
The yearly organized General Assembly of International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) was attended by the leading researchers of EPIC CoE
Lugano, Switzerland
A one-day workshop about the new challenges and cooperation possibilities among AUDI Hungaria and MTA SZTAKI was organized on June 16, 2017 in Győr
Győr, Hungary
The kick-off meeting of the Teaming Club initiative was hosted by the InnoRenew project in Koper, Slovenia, on June 1, 2017
Koper, Slovenia
The kick-off of the EPIC project was held on 10th and 11th April 2017 at the premises of the Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary and at the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Budapest, Hungary
Hungary was the most successful country in the ”Teaming” research excellence programme, the most prestigious call of Horizon 2020 Widening programme.
The 4 days’ long “INDUSTRY’s DAYS” Exhibition at HUNGEXPO offers the highest technical-engineering fair in Hungary.
30 distinguished partners from the industry and from the academic side joined a ceremonial inauguration event by launching the Hungarian IPAR4.0 National Technology Platform.
NGM called for an initialization of a Platform on the mid of February, to get a feedback from the key actors on the need to establish a nation-wide harmonized common activity-chain.
The Hungarian GTE, Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering, organized its regular, biyearly scientific conference on Manufacturing.
The EPIC consortium is collaborating with a large number of Hungarian companies in the completion of a survey related to Industry 4.0 use cases, technologies, current practices and perspectives.
