SZTAKI researcher and coordinator of Teaming and Twinning projects to present at Information Day
Elisabeth Ilie-Zudor, Senior Research Fellow at SZTAKI and EPIC Teaming project coordinator will give a presentation on "Winning Teaming and Twinning experiences from Horizon 2020" at 11:10. The event will start at 10:00 and is free of charge but registration is required - you can register until 21 July at 17:00 at this link:
"The sub-programme's proposals provide targeted support to participants from countries with weaker innovation performance (so-called widening countries) to strengthen their RDI capacities and improve their participation, making these opportunities of interest to actors in the Hungarian research and innovation system. The event will present the current calls for proposals of the Widening programme, focusing on the Teaming, Twinning and European Excellence Initiative (EEI) calls for proposals to be submitted in the autumn", the official event page says.