The industrial use of artificial intelligence is spreading very strongly - interview with SZTAKI's senior research fellow
Zsolt János Viharos, Senior Research Fellow at SZTAKI, was interviewed by DigitalHungary. In the interview, the focus is on the industrial advancement of artificial intelligence applications, but SZTAKI demos and the focus of Hungarian AI research are also discussed.
"AI can be used in all industries, for example in healthcare or agriculture. There are also many such developments in Hungary. In many areas AI is already surpassing human capabilities. For example, in the field of cancer diagnostics, there is software that can find cancer cells more confidently, more easily and with greater efficiency than humans. AI is already in every field, and it is spreading very strongly in manufacturing. It is a key component of the fourth industrial revolution that is currently under way," says Viharos.
The full, Hungarian interview can be read by clicking here.